Jiangsu Nine Heaven High-tech Co.,LTD     苏ICP备12062187号-1    power by www.300.cn 

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Jiangsu Nine Heaven High-tech Co.,LTD

Telephone: 025-68717999 (office)

025-68717780 (human resources)

400-102-3850 (service hotline)

Fax: 025-68717755

Zip code: 211800

Email address: info@9t-tech.com



Website: http://www.9t-tech.com

Address: no.6 buyue road, pukou economic development zone, nanjing

The ministry of commerce:

25-84657688-6024 (sales hotline)

(sales director)

Fax: 025-88752270

Office address: floor 19, building B, fenghuang culture square, no.215 jiangdong middle road, jianye district, nanjing